Young Adult fiction by William Bell
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The Blue Helmet
Winner of the Canadian Librarians' Association Young Adult Novel of the Year Award
A powerful portrait of one young man’s struggle to come into his own, and the peace that comes from the achievement.
Just Some Stuff I Wrote
These eight absorbing tales explore the highs and lows of characters struggling to belong."The Scream School of Parenting", "The Staircase", "The Leaves in This Country", "Apollo and Dionysos", "Window Tree", "Chumley", "The Promise", "Beer Can Man".

This touching story explores the relationship between a blossoming writer and her mentor, and delves into the complicated dynamics of friendship and trust.
Winner of the Canadian Librarians' Association Young Adult Novel of the Year Award; A Manitoba Young Readers' Choice Honour Book.
Who is the strange woman weeping in the night woods behind Garnet's mobile home? As he draws closer to the truth, he uncovers a horrifying chapter in his town’s history, and discovers the ways in which deep-seated prejudices and persecution from the past can still reverberate in the present.
BULLETIN: Garnet and Raphaella are coming back--in a new story entitled Fanatics--Spring, 2011.

Winner of the Mr. Christie's Award for Best Young Adult Novel of the Year.
Zack has recently been uprooted when his parents moved from a large city to the outskirts of a small town. Friendless, unsuccessful at school and at the lowest point in his life, he undertakes a research project into the life of Richard Pierpoint, former African slave.
Forbidden City
Winner of the Ruth Schwartz Award, the Belgium Prize for Excellence, the Ontario School Librarians' Award.
Here is the acclaimed novel of the Tian An Men Square Massacre. Seventeen-year-old Alex finds himself on his own in Tian An Men Square as desperate students fight the Chinese army for their freedom. Separated from his father and carrying illegal videotapes, Alex must trust the students to help him escape. Closely based on eyewitness accounts of the massacre in Beijing, Forbidden City is a powerful and frightening story.
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